Monday, May 14, 2007
Ayurveda Home Remedy Pomegranate
Juice of pomegranate flower and tender grass (cynodon dactylon) (arugampul in Tamil) taken in equal quantity (10 ml) 3 times a day can stop nosebleeds.
Powder of dried pomegranate flowers taken with sugar candy of palm tree brings down cough.
Pomegranate taken first thing in the morning (empty stomach) every alternate day can strengthen your bones.
Pomegranate taken every night (for 14 days) before going to bed can cure impotence.
Pomegranate juice is an excellent natural ayurvedic remedy for ulcers in stomach.
Decoction of pomegranate flowers cures stomach pain.
Crushed pomegranate flowers taken with honey stops blood in stool.
Pomegranate juice taken with sugar candy (kalkandu in Tamil) cools down your body.
Disclaimer: Please consult your physician for medical advice regarding any medical condition and do not use any of the historical information on this site without your physician’s approval.
Technorati Tags:
herbal, remedy, ayurveda, home remedies
Friday, May 11, 2007
Ayurveda and Digestion
An efficient digestion, absorption, assimilation cycle leads to enhanced ojas. Ojas is the biochemical essence formed at the end of the chain of transformation that takes place with the raw materials we take in. Building ojas is crucial for the enhancing the quality of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of an individual.
On the other hand, imperfect digestion leaves behind a residue that ayurveda calls ama. Ama, if left to accumulate in the physiology, eventually turns toxic, and difficult to flush out. Ama in the physiology offers fertile soil for disorders to take root and flourish. Little wonder, then, that assessing the strength of your digestive fire is an important part of an ayurveda health evaluation.
If your digestion feels sluggish, here are some simple dietary recommendations to help it function more efficiently:
1. Each morning, have a glass of warm water to which a tablespoon of lemon juice has been added. Lemon juice is a purifier and cuts ama in the digestive tract.
2. Have a glass of digestive sweetened yoghurt at lunch. Lassi helps enhance the digestive flora without clogging the microcirculatory channels of the body. Lassi should not be taken after sundown.
3. A slice of fresh ginger with a little lemon juice is recommended by ayurveda as a way to stoke the digestive fires and appetite before a main meal.
4. Cook with digestion-stimulating spices. Ayurvedic spices such as dried ginger, turmeric, cumin, coriander and ajwain not only enhance digestion, they also help flush toxins out of the body and help improve absorption and assimilation of nutrients.
5. Replace caffeinated and carbonated beverages with herb-spice teas. A cup of fragrant fennel tea after lunch helps aid digestion. If you enjoy the taste of fennel, you can chew on a few seeds after lunch or dinner.
6. Eat heavier foods, such a paneer, at lunch. Your digestive fires peak around the middle of the day, and are less bright in the evening at dinner time.
7. Buy fresh whole foods, and prepare and eat food fresh. According to ayurveda, foods that have been sitting around and processed foods are taxing on the digestion and more likely to create ama.
Technorati Tags:
herbal, remedy, ayurveda, home remedies
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Ayurveda Home Remedies for Constipation
Following signs and symptoms indicate constipation:
No bowel movement at least once a day, gas formation, drowsiness, pain in the abdomen, heaviness in stomach, mucus coated tongue, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vertigo, palpitation.
The aggravation of vata causes constipation. Improper eating habits including eating food which is difficult to digest (such as meat) and not eating enough fibrous foods like vegetables and salads lead to constipation.
Irregular sleeping habits or emotional disturbances (stress, grief, fear or worry) are other causes for the obstruction of the passage of stool, accumulation of toxins in the colon or excessive stimulation of the nervous system.
Smoking, consuming too much tea and coffee, intake of prescription or illicit drugs can also cause constipation.
Take 5-6 dry grapes preferably black.
Soak them in a glass of water and keep it overnight.
Next day first thing in the morning after performing your brushing etc. eat the swollen grapes and also drink the grape soaked water.
Do this for a week and constipation will be a thing of the past.
Easily digestible food should be taken. Also take plenty of fruits, vegetables and salads. Whole grain bread and cereals will certainly help in lightening the digestive pressure. Regular physical exercise is important for maintaining proper bowel movement. Sleeping hours should be regulated.
Disclaimer: Please consult your physician for medical advice regarding any medical condition and do not use any of the historical information on this site without your physicians approval.
Technorati Tags:
herbal, remedy, ayurveda, home remedies
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Ayurveda Home Remedies for Hair Growth
For baldness of the young (below 18 years) garlic is ground in honey and rubbed in the bald areas frequently (3-4 times a day).
Paste of henna leaves 100 ml, cow milk 1 litre, sesame oil 500 ml are mixed and boiled together. Allow this to cool and store in a bottle. Regular application of this oil helps in healthy hair growth.
Acalypha Indica (common name Indian copperleaf, or Indian nettle) (kuppaimeni in Tamil) 300 ml, its root and its bark 10 gm each are ground together, mixed in 350 ml coconut oil and boiled and cooled. Application of this on the scalp is an excellent ayurvedic home remedy for hair loss.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Ayurvedic Herbal Cure for Mouth Ulcers
During the summer season, just as water in the atmosphere gets depleted, so too the water content in the body gets depleted. To overcome the effects of such depletion, following procedures can be followed.
- Gargle your mouth with water many times during the day.
- Fill your mouth with water and then wash your face.
- Dab a little amount of butter or ghee on the tongue 3-4 times a day.
- Gargle your mouth with coconut milk.
- Chew a few grains of linseed.
- Chew palm candy, raisins, bananas, seeds of cucumber, almond, etc for some time.
- Milk of adhimadhuram (licorice), turmeric etc mixed in milk and taken 3-4 times a day.
All the above can soften the aggression of a nasty mouth ulcer.Also taking a decoction made of masikkai (nut-gall) can cure mouth ulcers.Water mixed with honey and gargled can assuage mouth irritation and heal mouth ulcers.
Similarly gargling with coconut oil also heals mouth ulcers.Manathakali keerai (Black Nightshade – Solanum Nigrum) is an excellent remedy for mouth ulcer. This green can be chewed raw to heal mouth ulcers quickly.
A sort of white thick milk will ooze out of a tender papaya when it is pierced. This milk when applied on the mouth ulcers can cure them.Junk food, bad oral practices, taking high dose drugs without consulting doctors etc can cause mouth ulcers.
Triphala choornam 3 gm, adhimadhuram 2 gm, honey and ghee all these are mixed to form a paste. This paste when applied on the ulcers heals them. This is to be done before going to bed.
Also “Mahathiktham” taken morning and evening on empty stomach helps cure mouth ulcers.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Weight Loss
It talks about the natural way (as expounded by Ayurveda) of losing weight.
Know more about it here.